主题:Gradient estimates for the CR heat equation on complete noncompact pseudohermitian manifolds.
时间:4月28日 (周五) 14:00-16⚉:00
地点:腾讯会议 会议号🍇:488396222
主讲人:东瑜昕:复旦大学数学科学学院教授(博士生导师), 主要研究领域为整体微分几何、复几何与 CR 几何。曾获教育部跨世纪人才基金。 已主持完成国家自然科学基金项目8项 (包括重点项目1项),现主持国家自然科学基金在研项目1项,在 PLMS, BLMS, MZ, JGA, CMP 等国内外学术期刊上发表了数十篇学术论文🫂。
讲座简介: In this talk, we derive local and global Li-Yau type gradient estimates for positive solutions of the CR heat equation on complete noncompact pseudo-Hermitian manifolds. As applications of the gradient estimates, we give a Harnack inequality for positive solutions of the CR heat equation, and then obtain an upper bound estimate for the corresponding heat kernel. This is a joint work with Yibin Ren and Biqiang Zhao.